Couch 2 5k – Day 2

Today’s training was easier than day one. I woke up this morning at 7am so that I could eat breakfast and then get the C25k training in before I had to get ready for work.

Again, I’m using the C25k podcast from Robert Ullrey which is great for helping not only keep you motivated, but for knowing when it is time to run. You can easily use your own timing/watch to do this, but having someone else do it for you helps keep the concentration on the actual workout.

The first four intervals of running came fairly easy which felt good. I did notice that my right thigh is getting the brunt of any soreness from the workouts. Not sure if it’s because I am pushing more on that leg or what. So, I worked to even my balance out as much as I could as I ran. Also, I tried to keep as lose as possible when I was running. This seemed to help a lot.

Before I knew it, I was down to the last two running intervals. The running itself is not easier per say, just how I am feeling during the workout compared to day one. I feel like my body is gradually realizing that it has the endurance and strength to do this. I know I am definitely ready for the challenge and won’t be giving up. I found myself mentally encouraging myself during the workouts as well. I kept repeating, “you can do it!” Mental encouragement helps a lot during a physical challenge, you need to believe you can do it and you will do it.

C25k Week 1: Day One

Just completed the first day of the couch 2 5k training plan and I was surprised at how difficult it was for me to run those 60 second intervals. A few months ago, they would have been a piece of cake. During the workout, I thought about why it was tiring me out so much. Then, it came to me, I have been slacking with my general workouts the last couple of months due to my work schedule and the cold. My body has gotten a bit lax and not used to pushing itself quite so much as of late.

So, I am going to do the C25k training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and then do other workouts on Sundays and Thursdays (might change Thursdays up with Tuesdays or Fridays). I am hoping this will help build my endurance back up. I feel like my body is getting lazy again and I definitely don’t want that to happen. So, back to working out 5 days a week it is.

Going to make sure to blog about the highs and lows of my training, as I feel like it is important for me to not only make a note of it, but writing always helps keep me encouraged and motivated. Also, it might help someone else get a pinch of motivation or encouragement if they happen to stumble on my blog. You just never know. 🙂

Couch to 5k

I have decided to start the Couch to 5k Running training (otherwise known as C25K) once the weather warms up. In fairness, I did attempt this last year, but didn’t make it through to the end. When I go out for walks, I already do some running, so I think it will be easier now. Of course, it won’t be “easy,” but easier. I want to push myself to do it, as my ultimate goal is to run a full 5k later this year before I move back up to Asheville.

As for the date I will begin the training, I am going to guess in about a week and a half, since the cold weather appears to be sticking around for at least another week here in the normally sunny Central Florida. I will update my blog when I start and throughout the training.