Etsy shop now open!

I have been wanting to open an etsy shop to sell some of my photography prints for a few months. Today marked the day that I officially came through on that. As of this afternoon, I have 9 photo prints for sale in my shop. Please stop by and check it out! I will try to vary the prints available throughout the next few weeks, as I am always out shooting new things.

December 22nd – Startup

What’s a business that you found this year that you love? Who thought it up? What makes it special?

Etsy is the business that I discovered this year that I love. It is an online arts and craft bonanza. I enjoy looking through what sellers have created. It is like attending a craft show right from the comfort of your own home. Have yet to make a purchase, but I now that will change in 2010. Also, I plan to begin selling my own work on the site. Some of my photography will make an appearance on etsy in the coming weeks.

What makes the site special in a word is creativity. It allows both creators and those seeking creative merchandise and the like to meet up in one central place. The creativity most of the creators/sellers have is just awesome. You can find all sorts of crafts and art on etsy. It gets high marks for greatness from me.

This blog post is in response to Gwen Bell’s Best of 2009 Blog Challenge